Echoes of light
When I was a child, I learned that dreams are manageable and that there are techniques to help you become aware of yourself in a dream. I tried, and it worked for me. Since then, I sometimes control my dreams.
Usually, I begin to realize myself within a dream during moments of intense emotion. It makes me resist and transform what is happening. In such dreams, I can change my surroundings by the force of my will.
I want to bring this ability to control reality into my waking state, and photography becomes a tool for me to implement this idea. My approach is to draw parallels between my photographic practice and my experience of lucid dreaming.
Through the practice of lucid dreaming, I transfer this experience into my waking state, allowing me to shift my perception and better cope with anxiety. By consciously engaging with my inner world, I can challenge and reshape my thoughts and feelings, creating a sense of empowerment that extends into my daily life.